The contact potential or thermoelectric offset voltage is the key specification of a switch card designed for low voltage switching. 接触电势或热电效应偏移电压是设计用于低压切换的开关卡的关键技术指标。
Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators. 低功耗,低失调,双路电压比较器。
A study on DC offset voltage and AC impedance of ECG electrodes 心电电极的直流失调电压和交流阻抗的研究
For the tunnel diode parallel amplifier, quiescent operation point, circuit specification and offset voltage are studied. 介绍了隧道二极管的特性,研究了隧道二极管并联放大器的静态特性,主要性能指标和偏置要求。
Also, computer simulation is conducted to work out the contrast curve of scanning spots and the offset voltage across the modulation unit of the optical phased array. 最后通过计算机模拟计算,得出扫描点的对比度曲线以及相控阵调制单元上所加的补偿电压。
This error voltage is known as contact potential or offset voltage. 该误差电压就是所谓的接触电势或偏移电压。
Analysis on Influence of Offset Voltage of Amplifier on AC TRMS Converter 放大器失调电压对交流有效值转换器的影响分析
This offset voltage will be added to the voltage measurement. 该偏移电压将被叠加到电压测量值中。
The offset voltage adds directly to the signal voltage and can be modeled as an unwanted voltage source in series with the intended signal. 偏移电压被直接叠加到信号电压之上,可以被模型化为一个未知的电压源,与已知信号相串联。
The offset voltage will cause an error in the applied stimulus to a device under test or the value measured by the voltmeter. 偏移电压会导致施加到被测装置的激励发生误差,或者使伏特计的测量值发生误差。
The thermoelectric offset voltage due to the switch card and the interconnecting cable may be compensated for by using a short-circuited channel to establish a zero reference. 由于开关卡和互连电缆引起的热电效应偏移电压可采用一个短路通道来建立一个零参考,从而进行补偿。
Elimination of the Offset Voltage from a Variable Gain Amplifier 可变增益放大器中失调电压的消除
Approaches to the implementation of compensations for temperature drift and offset voltage of a device are given in this paper. Also presented are considerations on the structural design of the circuit, selection of process parameters and the layout design. 例举了实现电路的输出电压温度漂移补偿和失调电压补偿的一些措施,介绍了作者在电路结构设计、工艺参数选择和版图设计等方面的一些考虑。
The effect of offset voltage on the accuracy is significantly reduced due to the realization of full temperature curvature compensation. 该电路实现了全温度曲率补偿,降低了运放失调电压对精度的影响。
The equivalent input noise voltage, offset voltage drift, common mode rejection, power source rejection and other characteristics of a common source-common grid cascade amplifier is analysed in detail. 本文对一种共源-共栅串接差分输入级运算放大器的等效输入噪声电压、失调电压温漂、共模抑制比和电源电压抑制比等参数进行了详细的分析。
Full differential dynamic comparator is designed, which can save offset voltage; 比较器采用开关电容全差分动态结构,可以有效的减小失调电压。
This thesis also analyzed the parameter mismatch as offset voltage of the OPA, resistor tolerance and current mirror mismatch in the V-I convert circuits and adapted an adjustable current mirror ratio circuit to trimming the output reference current. 本文对电路参数失配即运放失调,电阻容差和电流镜失配进行了分析,采用了一种可调电流镜像比的trimming结构来调整输出电流的大小。
Based on preamplifier-latch theory, a topology structure of CMOS positive feedback comparator circuit with preamplifier is presented, and methods to improve transmit delay time, kick-back noise and input offset voltage of the circuit are described. 基于预放大-锁存理论,提出了一种带1级预放大器的高速CMOS锁存比较器电路拓扑结构;阐述了其传输延迟时间、回馈噪声和输入失调电压的改进方法。
This method also supports cancellation of DC voltage mismatch and offset voltage. 第二,能够消除直流电压的不匹配以及失调电压对输出信号的影响。
To the offset voltage caused by thermoelectric effect, a new low-voltage measurement was introduced, namely three-point delta method. 针对低电压测量中热电势产生的偏移电压,介绍了一种新的低电压测量方法:三点式Delta测量法。
We use the method of stabilizing the offset work-point and the offset voltage of modulator to improve the stability of the optical pulse. 我们通过稳定调制器偏置工作点和调制器偏置电压等方法提高了20GHz种子光脉冲的稳定性。
We also analyze the effect of input noise voltage and current, input offset voltage and current of the operational amplifier, and the noise of the silicon photodiode on the combined circuit of the operational amplifier with the silicon photodiode. 分析了运算放大器的噪声电压、噪声电流、失调电压、失调电流和硅光电二极管的噪声因素对硅光电二极管与运算放大器组合电路的影响。
It is analyzed the control delay of switching power amplifier with a new nonlinear PWM control and its effects on the DC offset A novel voltage compensation technique is proposed to improve this DC offset voltage. The design formula for computing compensation voltage is given. 分析了新型单周非线性PWM控制开关功率放大器存在的延时问题及由此引起的直流偏置问题,提出了电压补偿解决方案,给出了补偿电压计算公式。
Output storage method is adopted to cancel the offset voltage. 通过输出存储的方法消除比较器失调电压的影响。
Through in-depth analysis of the causes of ripple, find out that the main factor affecting the ripple is the input offset voltage of error amplifier circuit in the prior to circuit. And by theoretical calculation the optimal value of the input offset voltage is obtained. 通过深入分析纹波产生的原因,指出影响纹波的主要因素是前向电路中误差放大电路的输入失调电压,并通过理论计算获得了输入失调电压的最优值。
The regulate circuit can not only effectively amplification faint hall signal, but also dynamically eliminate the offset voltage. 该调理电路不仅能够有效地放大微弱的霍尔信号,而且还能动态消除失调电压和噪声。
In addition, in order to eliminate the offset voltage, it must use the two phase rotation current control circuit, which needs RC oscillator for supplying the clock signal. 为了消除失调电压,本文采用了二相旋转电流控制电路,其需要RC振荡器提供时钟控制信号,该调理电路中的高通滤波器还可以滤除信号中存在的闪烁噪声。
When the comparator is designed, much attention is paid to relieve the offset voltage and save the power dissipation. 比较器的设计则重点关注失调电压的消除和功耗的节省。
The noise and offset voltage are also computed, by optimization of the parameter, noise and offset can be heavily reduced. 运放设计过程中还分析和推导了噪声和失调电压,通过优化参数将噪声和失调电压降至最低。
Adding the DC drift voltage control loop can effectively reduce the inverter output DC offset voltage. 加入直流漂移电压控制环路,可以有效地减小逆变输出的直流漂移电压。